OK every one, I've compiled the votes, both from comments here and emails I've received, and it looks like the 1st craft we're going to do is a drawing tutorial!
I'm excited about this, as it will be a lot of fun... what I'm considering doing is putting two tutorials up, just in case one drawing calls to you more than the other.
In any case, stay tuned! I'll be posting the drawings, directions, pictues, etc. within the next couple of days... get your pencils ready!!! :)
It's never too late to join in! All you have to do is become a follower of my blog, and that's it! When the craft is posted, simply join in, follow the directions, and we'll go from there... I'd like to post pics from your finished projects right here hon the blog! I can't wait! :)
-God Bless,
Hello every one!
Hope today is finding you all happy, healthy, and safe. Every day we wake up is a new chance that God has given us, and that in itself is reason enough to praise Him. :)
OK, so we're nearing the point when we will begin our first official "Craft of the Week"... I am so excited! Only, none of you have voted yet to let me know which craft you'd like to do first.
So I'm going to try again with the crafts, and hopefully you'll pick one, or else we'll just go with the one I pick. LOL- YOU have a choice! Use it :).
Here are the choices: A completely upcycled greeting card made from items around the house? A fun and easy, yet super-gratifying Sculpey project? How about a drawing tutorial? The possibilities are virtually endless!
All you have to do is comment on this blog post and let me know which one you'd prefer to do first, and the one with the most votes, that's the one we'll do!
OK, so every one have a great day, and we'll check in soon with the first craft! I can't wait!!! :)
Hello every one!
Welcome to Alocraft, a new blog I've started that will feature a new craft for YOU all to do, each and every week!
The DIY craft of the week will come complete with detailed instructions, alternative methods than the ones I've shown, photos, etc. Best of all, it will be so much fun to make these great crafts, which you can then use in your own home, give as gifts, whatever your heart fancies! And if you send me pics of your completed works of art, I'll gladly post them here for us all to enjoy!
OK so the first order of business is... I need followers! LOL... anyone and every one who is interested in participating or simply seeing how this blog comes along, click the follow button on the navigation bar at the top of this blog. It's as easy as that!
And now for the second order of business... what would YOU like the first craft to be? A completely upcycled greeting card made from items around the house? A fun and easy, yet super-gratifying Sculpey project? How about a drawing tutorial? The possibilities are virtually endless!
Post right here the first project you'd like to do, and the most suggested one will be our first!
OH, and there are already several other crafters lined up to do weekly guest sessions with crafts of their own for us all to do... this is going to be great!
OK, now the ball is in YOUR court... come follow, join in the fun, and let's have a blast!!!