OK every one, I've compiled the votes, both from comments here and emails I've received, and it looks like the 1st craft we're going to do is a drawing tutorial!

I'm excited about this, as it will be a lot of fun... what I'm considering doing is putting two tutorials up, just in case one drawing calls to you more than the other.

In any case, stay tuned! I'll be posting the drawings, directions, pictues, etc. within the next couple of days... get your pencils ready!!! :)

It's never too late to join in! All you have to do is become a follower of my blog, and that's it! When the craft is posted, simply join in, follow the directions, and we'll go from there... I'd like to post pics from your finished projects right here hon the blog! I can't wait! :)

-God Bless,


Drawing has always been a mystery to me. I can hardly draw a recognizable apple. Lol. ;) I'll be back to check out your lesson.

Looking forward to seeing what we get to draw.

we can't wait to see what we get to draw either ;)

This will be good! I struggle with drawing - I stick to very simple outlines for my ties. I tried to draw a hand at art group last week and it looked like an inflatable with all the air sucked out!!!